REGULAR WORKSHOP UNION COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Maynardville Elementary School THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 6:00 p.m. – Tentative Agenda – 1.Welcome and Data Presentation by Lisa Carter, Maynardville Elementary School Principal 2.Union County Education Association 3.School Board Attorney Update—Mary Ann Stackhouse 4.Special Recognition/Announcements ·Architect Chosen for TCAT—COPE 5.Discuss School Trips ·Union County High School—12 FFA students to National FFA Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana October 27-29, 2022 (Sponsors: John Fugate & Matthew Edwards) 6.Discuss Contracts—Missy Brown ·Amend K-12 Contract to Include Grade 9 7.Discuss Director’s Monthly Report/Budget Amendments and Transfers—Missy Brown 8.Discuss Updates of for New Middle School, Including Any Committees 9.Discuss TSBA Recommended Board Policy Revisions as follows (due for approval on first reading?): 1.102 (Board Members); 2.806 (Bids and Quotations); 3.202 (Emergency Preparedness Plan); 4.101 (Instructional Standards); 4.210 (Credit Recovery); 4.212 (Virtual Education Program); 4.202 (Reconsideration of Materials); 4.403 (Reconsideration of Materials); 4.406 (Use of the Internet); 4.600 (Grading Systems); 5.119 (Employment of Retirees); 5.200 (Employment of Retirees); 5.201 (Employment of Retirees); 5.701 (Employment of Retirees); 5.201 (Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers); 6.200 (Attendance); 6.204 (Attendance of Non-Resident Students); 6.318 (Admission of Suspended or Expelled Students); 6.409 (Reporting Child Abuse); 1.104 (Memberships—Updated to Align with Current Practices); 1.105 (School Board Legislative Involvement—Updated to Align with Current Practices); 1.204 (Board Member Development Opportunities—Updated to Align with Current Practices); 4.403 (Library Materials)—Ronnie Mincey 10.Discuss Position of Director of Schools—Dr. Carter 11.Discuss Centerstone Family Life Curriculum—Eddie Graham/Amanda C. McGeshick 12.Discuss Possible Monthly Schedule of Board Events—Dr. Carter 13.Other Discussion a.None at time of publication
REGULAR MEETING UNION COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 Maynardville Elementary School Meeting to Immediately Follow 6:00 p.m. Workshop – Tentative Agenda – 1.Call to Order by Dr. Carter 2.Approve Agenda 3.Nominations/Election for Chair of Union County Board of Education for 2022-2023 4.Nominations/Election for Vice Chair of Union County Board of Education for 2022-2023 5.Vote to Reinstate Dr. James Carter as Director of Union County Public Schools under Previous Contract Ending June 30, 2024 6.Approve/Disapprove Consent Agenda a.School Trips ·Union County High School—12 FFA students to National FFA Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana October 27-29, 2022 (Sponsors: John Fugate & Matthew Edwards) b. Board Minutes for Regular Meeting on August 11, 2022 7. Approve/Disapprove Budget Amendments and Transfers (ROLL CALL VOTE REQUIRED) 8. Approve/Disapprove Contracts a. Amend K-12 Contract to Include Grade 9 9. Approve on First Reading TSBA Recommended Board Policy Revisions as follows (due for approval on first reading at this meeting): 1.102 (Board Members); 2.806 (Bids and Quotations); 3.202 (Emergency Preparedness Plan); 4.101 (Instructional Standards); 4.210 (Credit Recovery); 4.212 (Virtual Education Program); 4.202 (Reconsideration of Materials); 4.403 (Reconsideration of Materials); 4.406 (Use of the Internet); 4.600 (Grading Systems); 5.119 (Employment of Retirees); 5.200 (Employment of Retirees); 5.201 (Employment of Retirees); 5.701 (Employment of Retirees); 5.201 (Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers); 6.200 (Attendance); 6.204 (Attendance of Non-Resident Students); 6.318 (Admission of Suspended or Expelled Students); 6.409 (Reporting Child Abuse); 1.104 (Memberships—Updated to Align with Current Practices); 1.105 (School Board Legislative Involvement—Updated to Align with Current Practices); 1.204 (Board Member Development Opportunities—Updated to Align with Current Practices); 4.403 (Library Materials) 10. Approve/Disapprove Other Business a.None at time of publication 11. Set Time, Date and Location of Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, October __, 2022 at ____________ Elementary School. The workshop will begin at 6:00 p.m. with the meeting immediately to follow. 12. Adjourn